Morris Phelps Alpine Day Book[1] This is a transcript[2] of a journal of Morris Charles Phelps who was born 20 December 1805. The “day book” is a record of events in his life happening from 1856 through 1859 while Morris and his family lived in Alpine, Utah county, Utah. Morris is the great grandfather of Rufus Osborn Phelps, who was born in Montpelier, Bear Lake County, Idaho, 15 September 1895. Rufus and Winnifred Lau Phelps are the parents of Donna Phelps Bates, Winnifred Phelps Spuhler, and Richard Lau Phelps. Richard has the day book which is available for review to all family members. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A day book kept by Morris Phelps for himself, commenced the first day of January, 1856. Jan 1, 1856. Worked in the shop a little. Went to a party in the evening at the school house in Alpine City. Had a good party. Wednesday, Jan 2. Worked in the shop a little. Not very well. Thursday, Jan. 3. Worked in the shop. Finished a bedstead for Joseph M., my son. Friday, Jan. 4. Was sick and visited the bishop and the school. Saturday, Jan. 5. Worked in the shop. Made a bedstead. Hung a door. Sunday, Jan 6. Went to meeting and spoke of the coming of Christ and the necessary preparation for the saints for His coming, to be sanctified by the keeping of the law. In the afternoon Brother Amasa Lyman and his wife Pauline and son Roswell came to see me and Brother Lyman preached in the evening on the subject of the gospel, a very interesting discourse. Monday, Jan. 7. I rode to Lehi with Brother Lyman and got a deed of some land that I bought off Daniel Cox. Tuesday, Jan. 8. Attended to business at home. Wednesday, Jan. 9. Laid up the front of my shop. Thursday, Jan. 10. Put the rafters on my shop. Friday, Jan. 11. Went to Lehigh. Gathered up my cattle and drove them home. Saturday, Jan. 12. Worked on the shop. Let out my sheep to Thomas Ivey for one year for half the wool and half the increase. Sunday, Jan. 13. Made a pair of shoe packs. Went to meeting in the evening. Monday, Jan. 14. Worked in the shop. Made a fiddle box. Tuesday, Jan 15. Made a pair of shoe packs. McCarty. Wednesday, Jan. 16. Moved my work bench into the shop. Thursday, Jan. 17. Laid the floor in Sarah's kitchen. Friday, Jan. 18. Cased and hung a door to the same kitchen and had a dance in the evening. The bishop and several others came in and joined with us. Saturday, Jan. 19. Fixed up Sarah's loom house. Sunday, Jan. 20. Went to meeting. Heard Bro. Lewis of Battle Creek preach and administered the sacrament. In the evening went to meeting and preached on the different spirits that operated on the human family. Monday, Jan. 21. Went to American Fork. Bought 10 bushels of potatoes. In the morning laid off the ground for the meeting house in Alpine City. Tuesday, Jan. 22. Worked in the shop in the fore-noon. Put up a new work bench. Brother A. Lyman came in the after noon and preached in the evening. Received 10 bushels of potatoes from Lake City. Wednesday, Jan 23. Went to Lehi in company with Amasa Lyman and wife, Paulina, and son, Roswell, and stayed in Lehi all night. Thursday, Jan. 24. Collected in some small debts in Lehigh. Joseph M. Phelps came down to Lehi with two yoke of oxen for a load of hay, according to arrangement. It had snowed and was too cold to come home. We stayed all night. Friday, Jan. 25. Very cold. I traded one yoke of oxen off for a yoke of steers and cow and 20 bushels of potatoes and came home and found my daughter, Martha Ann, very sick with swollen feet and legs and bloated bowels. I called in the elders. Prayed for her and nursed her with others to assist me until one o'clock at night and she was better and we went to bed. Saturday, Jan. 26. My daughter was better. I was not well. Sunday, Jan. 27. Went to meeting in the evening. Monday, Jan. 28. Was appointed to take six men and commence digging the cellar for themeting house in Alpine City. The ground froze 2 feet deep. Hard digging. Sunk the south east corner three feet 9 inches. Tuesday, Jan. 29. Closed 2 pair of shoes. Wednesday, Jan. 30. Made Martha Ann Norton a pair of shoes. Thursday, Jan. 31. Made Larse Nelson a pair of clogs. Went to meeting in the evening Friday, February 1, 1856. Worked in the shop rimming James Holmes wagon wheel. Received 10 bushels of potatoes from Lehi and sash for one window. Saturday, Feb. 2. Worked in the shop and put a window in to Sarah's kitchen and ate a few grapes that my daughter Mary Ann Rich sent me from California. The snow is deep. It is doubtful whether my cattle will live through the winter. It is the hardest time to get bread that I ever experienced. There is none scarcely in the valley. Corn, two dollars per bushel. Wheat, the same. I fear not enough to prevent starvation and keep the seed. Potatoes, one dollar per bushel. Cattle dieing very fast and I have provisions only to last my family five days. My family consists of eight grown persons and five children. The best that I can do my expense is two dollars per day for eatables. Sunday, Feb. 3. Went to meeting. Also in the evening. Monday, Feb. 4. Made a pair of shoes for my daughter Martha Ann. This fourth day of February, fourteen years, ago in 1842, Sally Clark, the wife of William Cole, died in Ripley County, Indiana. She was the oldest sister to my wife, Laura. Tuesday, Feb. 5. Went to Lake City and bought a ton of hay. It cost twelve dollars. Wednesday, Feb. 6. Some more snow fell last night. The wind is tumbling the snow into the hollows. Very cold. It seems as if the cattle must perish for the want of feed and my family is living on potatoes. No bread. I worked in the shop and made a bonfire. Thursday, Feb. 7. This is fast day and very cold. I went to meeting in the day and in the evening. Friday, Feb. 8. Worked in the shop. Made Sarah a fire board for her kitchen. It is more mild and cloudy. McCarty has a party at my house this evening. Saturday, Feb. 9. Fourteen years today my wife Laura died and left five children. Sunday, Feb. 10. Not well. Stayed at home all day. Snow fell today 6 inches deep adding to distress of man and beast. 3 Monday Feb.11. A little more mild. I worked in the shop some little. Not very well. Tuesday, Feb 12. Worked in the shop. Wednesday, Feb. 13. Went to the city on foot, 25 miles over the mountain. The snow in some places 5 or 6 feet deep. Got to city at dusk. Very tired. Stayed at Samuel Thompson's. Thursday, Feb. 14. Saw Judge Snow. He agreed to attend to the application to government for payment for damages done by the hostilities of the Indians in 1853 in Mountainville, Utah Co. Friday, Feb. 15. Got my writing made out thus: One horse stolen by the Indians $ 85 One damaged and died 150 Damage on sawmill 150 Two dwellings 300 For moving family to S. L. City for safety 75 Damage on grain 75 ------ $ 835
Saturday, Feb. 16. Went home on foot. A very hard days work. The remain mild. Thaws but little. Sunday, Feb. 17. I feel tired and sore from traveling. Went to meeting in the day, also in the evening. Monday, Feb. 18. Went on search of bread. Found none. Stayed in Lehi. Tuesday, Feb. 19. Drove home a steer and butchered it and ate my first supper of clear meat. Hyrum Nelson died today. Wednesday, Feb. 20. Wrote a petition to the court for a grant to build a mill and other machinery at Alpine City. Made a coffin for Hyrum Nelson. Brother Alvey Wood preached today in the school house. I went to meeting this evening. It snows and rains. Thursday, Feb. 21. Stayed at home. Not very well. Friday, Feb. 22. Not very well. Made a hoe. Boarded with Sarah. Still thawing a little but cloudy. Saturday, Feb. 23. Worked at shoe making, mending, etc. Joseph and James went to Lehi and took a calf to John Murdock. Sister Bright would not lend me a mess of potatoes. S. Larson won't lend me anything. 10 Sunday, Feb. 24. Went to meeting, also in the evening. Joseph returned from Lehi. Brought 3 pecks of seed corn. Monday, Feb. 25. Was about home. The wolves killed a calf last night. I went to a party in the evening to McOlney's. Tuesday, Feb. 26. Stayed at home. It snowed some little. I am out of hay and none to be had. The Indians are killing cattle and sheep and stealing horses and killed three of my bretheren, two of the Carsons, one of the Huntsuccor boys.. Wednesday, Feb. 27. High wind. Very cold. Two more of my (?) killed. One hundred men start out after the Indians. Thursday, Feb. 28. Out of provisions. A very cold morning. Went to Lake City in search of bread to buy. Stayed at Chipman's overnight. Friday, Feb. 29. Went to Pleasant Grove City. Stayed at Duncan McCarties all night. Saturday, March 1, 1856. Went to Provo City. Stayed at Andrew Scott's all night. Sunday, Mar. 2. Went to meeting. Stayed at William Fossets all night. Monday, Mar. 3. Tried to sell my sheep. Stayed at Fossett's. Tuesday, Mar. 4. Bargained my sheep to Jones. Stayed at Bishop Fossett's. Wednesday, Mar. 5. Received pay for my sheep. 102.50 Thursday, Mar. 6. Went home. Took two hundred of flour. Friday, Mar. 7. Went to Lehi and Lake City, then home. Saturday, Mar. 8. Settled with Mason. He owed me 70 dollars. I took his lot in payment and settled with Larce Nelson. Set a wagon tire. Sunday, Mar. 9. Went to meeting. Monday, Mar. 10. Stayed at home. Children taking the measles. Martha Ann Gorton went to Provo to live. Tuesday, Mar. 11. Children sick. Worked in the shop a little. William Mason prepared a charge against me. We settled ourselves. Charge withdrawn. Wednesday, Mar. 12 Worked in the shop. Finished two panel doors for my house. Thursday, Mar. 13. Hung and cased a door. Friday, Mar. 14. Cased and hung another. My children all got the measles. Saturday, Mar. 15. We were dismissed from training. I worked in the shop. A cold day. Sunday, Mar. 16. A cold day. Charles Wilks, my son, very sick with the measles. I went to meeting. Monday. Mar. 17. Charles no better. A cold day. Joseph went after a yoke of steers belonging to E. T. Clark. Tuesday, Mar. 18. Charles was very sick. I did nothing but wait on him. Joseph returned. Did not get the steers. He brought home a heifer that I had running on the lake bottom. Wednesday, Mar. 19. Charles a little better but a very sick child with the lung fever that follows the measles. Thursday, Mar. 20. Charles no better. Several elders called this evening and prayed for him. He was relieved a little. Friday, Mar. 21. Charles remains about the same. Saturday, Mar. 22. Charles remains very sick and not expected to live. Sunday, Mar. 23. Charles was thought to be a little better. I went to meeting in the evening. Monday, Mar. 24. Charles not so well. Tuesday, Mar. 25. Charles is no better. Wednesday, Mar. 26. Charles is worse. At one O'clock in the morning I thought he was dying. I ordained him a high priest and blessed him. He revived up through the day and at night was very bad. Thursday, Mar. 27. I do not know that Charles is any better. Joseph M. is very sick with the measles. I planted some onion seed. Charles died today at half past one. He is 3 feet 2 inches high, 3 years 11 months and 19 days old. Friday, Mar. 28. It is one O'clock. I have made Charles' coffin. We are now ready to start to the grave. Three O'clock. Just returned from the grave yard on the mound in Alpine City. Saturday Mar. 29. Sowed some seeds in the garden. Sunday, Mar. 30. A very pleasant morning. Went to meeting in the fore noon. Monday, Mar. 31. I plowed some. The wind blew hard towards night. It rained and snowed. Tuesday, Apr. l, 1856. I plowed in the fore noon. Oxen poor and weak. I can only work them a part of the day. Wednesday, Apr.2. I plowed a little. Planted some potatoes. Sowed some carrot and parsnip seed. Thursday, Apr 3. Repaired my harrow. Sowed some barley. Martha went back to Chipman's. Friday, Apr. 4. Hauled manure and timber for a bridge. Saturday, Apr. 5. Went to Lehi in search of some flour and potatoes and did not get any. Stayed all night at Abraham Hatch's. Sunday, Apr. 6. Went to Lake City. Stayed all night at Stephen Chipman's. Monday, Apr. 7. Started home early. Got home 7 O'clock in the morning. It rained and snowed by intervals and very high wind. We hauled four loads of manure. Tuesday, Apr. 8. Worked on the farm. Wednesday, Apr. 9. Killed a calf. Worked a little on the farm. Thursday Apr. 10. Went to Lehi and Lake City to get my plows repaired. Friday, Apr. 11. Took out a search warrant and searched for a sheet that was said to have been taken out of my house belonging to William Maron. I did not find it. I hauled 2 loads of manure. Saturday, Apr. 12. Settled with Joel M. Berry. I paid him thirty-three dollars. Gave him my watch at thirty and 3 dollars. Hauled 2 loads of manure. Sunday, Apr. 13. It rained and snowed. I went to meeting in the fore noon. Lance committed a rape last Friday. Was arrested yesterday and while a prisoner last night, was killed from a blow with an ax on the head. Not known by whom. Monday, Apr. 14. It stormed in the forenoon. In afternoon I finished a bridge between my house and farm. Tuesday, Apr. 13. Got a load of wood. Joseph worked for Larson. Wednesday, Apr. 16. Sowed wheat. Thursday Apr. 17. Sowed wheat. Hyrum went to Lehigh. Got the plow from shop. Friday, Apr. 18. Sowed wheat in fore noon. In the afternoon went to Battle Creek. Stayed at S. White's. Saturday, Apr. 19. Went to Provo in search of provisions. Some little prospect of a little and returned to Brother White's. Sunday, Apr. 20. Went to Lake City and home. I am tired with hard walking. Joseph went to Lehi and got a peck of corn. Monday, Apr. 21. Sowed wheat. Tuesday, Apr 22. Plowed and Joseph took a steer to Battle Creek. Sold him to Duncan McCarter for 18 dollars. Wednesday, Apr 23. Planted peas in the fore noon. Plowed in the afternoon. Thursday, Apr. 24. Planted peas and potatoes. Friday, Apr. 25. Went to Lake City. Paid $10 for meal. Saturday, Apr. 26. Went to Provo. Sunday, Apr 27. Attended conference in Provo. High Council organized. Monday, Apr. 28. Paid $10 for meal in Provo, $2 for potatoes, 50 cents for coffee. Returned to Battle Creek. Paid $5 for potatoes. Got home at dusk. Tuesday, Apr. 29. It snowed and rained all day. Wednesday, Apr. 30. Planted potatoes. May 1, 1856. I planted potatoes and sowed wheat. James Holmes helped me. Had 3 teams running. Friday, May 2. It hailed and rained a little. It is Officer Drill this day. I did not attend. I finished planting potatoes. Saturday, May 3. Sowed wheat and borrowed some beef, 106 lbs. A hard time. I have not eaten anything thing but wild onions for 3 days and worked hard. Sunday, May 4. It commenced raining at one O'clock A.M. and turned to snowing. It is now snowing hard. It is now 7 O'clock p.m. and snowing hard. Snow 6 or 8 inches deep in places but in most places melts as fast as it falls. I stayed at home all day. Monday, May 5. It rained a little until 10 O'clock and cleared off at 12 o'clock. Snow all gone. An election held this morning to elect city officers for this place under a city charter. I stock (?) a plow today. The grass hoppers are very thick and commenced to do damage on the wheat crops. The snow does not hurt them. Tuesday, May 6. Plowed for pumpkins, squashes, etc. Wednesday, May 7. Planted pumpkins, squashes. Thursday, May 8. Sowed wheat and oats. Settled my note with John Hawkins. Friday, May 9. Went to Lake City to get my plow sharpened and carried 25 lbs. Flour home on my back, V2 lb. of tea. Saturday, May 10. Commenced plowing new ground and it rained most of the day. Sunday, May 11. Went to Provo. Monday, May 12. Went fishing in Provo River. Tuesday, May 13. Helped W. Fassett plant corn. Wednesday, May 14. Fished. Thursday, May 15. Fished. Friday, May 16. Fished. Saturday, May 17. Returned home with half barrel of fish. Joseph and Hyrum worked on the farm all the week. I got one yoke of oxen shod. Hard times no bread. Sunday, May 18. Very tired. Did not go to meeting in the fore noon. Bishop Harrington preached. Went in the afternoon. Bro. Snow preached. Monday, May 19. Walked in the garden. Saw a multitude of grasshoppers to work on our vegetables. In the afternoon repaired the water sect on the farm. 9 Tuesday, May 20. Plowed all day. Wednesday, May 21. Planted corn. Ephraim commenced plowing. Thursday, May 22. Planted corn. Friday, May 23. Hauled sagebrush off corn ground. Saturday, May 23. Frost this morning. Grasshoppers destroying grain. Hauled sagebrush. It rained some in the afternoon. Sunday, May 25. Went to meeting in the morning and evening sacrament today. Monday, May 26. Commenced irrigating. The grasshoppers are taking my wheat. Tuesday, May 27. Irrigated wheat. Wednesday, May 28. Went to work on the farm Thursday, May 29. Worked on the watersect water my garden. Friday, May 30. Worked at the same. Sarah went to her brother's. Saturday, May 31. Worked on the farm. Planted a few peas. No bread to eat. Sunday, June 1, 1856. Went to meeting in the fore noon. The afternoon, went to Provo. Put up at Fassett's. Monday, June 2. Went to Spanish Fork Settlement for seed corn. Stayed at Wm. Holt's. Tuesday, June 3. Returned home. Wednesday, June 4. Worked on the farm. Got ready to plant corn on land that the grass hoppers had eat the wheat off of. J. M. Phelps went north Sunday. Not returned yet. Thursday, June 5. Hyrum and I planted corn. Friday June 6. Worked on the farm. Ephraim Nash finished planting corn. Saturday, June 7. Worked on the farm. Moriah came home from Provo. Sunday, June 8. Did not go to meeting. Took up a stray cow and calf. 22 Monday, June 9. Worked on the farm. Tuesday, June 10. Worked on the farm. Planted corn that Scot gave me. Wednesday, June 11. Planted one acre of corn. Thursday, June 12. Worked on the farm. Planted some squash seed. Watered and hoed some potatoes. Friday, June 13. Planted some watermelon seeds. Worked in the garden. Saturday, June 14. Worked in the garden. Planted some peas. J. M. Phelps came home and got his clothes. Sunday, June 15. Joseph returned back to his uncle E. T. Clark to work. I went to meeting twice today. In the evening went to American Fork. Found a cow and steer. Drove them home. Monday, June 16. Branded my cattle. Planted some beans, corn and pumpkin seeds. Tuesday, June 17. Worked on the farm. Was not well. Wednesday, June 18. Worked on the farm. Thursday, June 19. Replanted corn. Friday, June 20. Worked on the farm. Planted some corn in the garden. Saturday June 21. Worked on the farm. Sunday, June 22. Went to meeting. Ordained Francis Ochquer an elder. Monday, June 23. Worked on the farm. Sarah returned home from Spanish Fork City. Tuesday, June 24. Worked on the farm. No bread. Living on greens, milk of two cows. Wednesday, June 25. Worked on farm hoeing potatoes. Thursday, June 26. Worked on the farm. Friday, June 27. Worked on the farm some and went picking sarvis berries. Saturday, June 28. Went to American Fork to get a little flour. Got none. Moriah went with me. Sunday, June 29. Went to meeting. Monday, June 30. Worked on the farm and mended my shoes. Tuesday, July 1, 1856. Went to Lehi and Lake City and home and home on foot and got no flour. Out of bread. Wednesday, July 2. Picked sarvis berries with my family. Got a half bushel. Thursday, July 3. Went to Willow Creek and got a peck of wheat and peck of barley. Friday, July 4. Spent the day at home with my family. James and Harriet and children ate dinner with us. Saturday, July 5. Worked on the farm a little. Was not well. Sunday, July 6. Went to meetings. Signed the roll to be sent to Washington to draw pay for service done in the Indian war of 1856. Monday, July 7. Worked on the farm. Tuesday, July 8. Worked on the farm. Wednesday, July 9. Worked on the farm the most of the day and went and got sarvis berries. Thursday, July 10. Worked on the farm. Friday. July 11. Worked on the water sect in forenoon and the farm. Saturday, July 12. Drove the cattle up the canyon and got some berries. Sunday, July 13. Went to meetings fore and after noon and preached twice. Monday, July 14. Worked on the farm. Tuesday, July 15. Worked on the farm and attended Bishop Court, S. Larsen defendant. Wednesday, July 16. Worked on the sawmill. Thursday, July 17. Worked on sawmill. Friday, July 18. Worked on the mill. 26 Saturday July 19. Picked sarvis berries and (?). Sunday, July 20. Went to meeting in the morning and evening. Monday, July 21. Not well. Stayed at home. Tuesday, July 22. Not well. At home all day. Had a fine rain in the afternoon. Wednesday, July 23. Not well. At home all day. The women went after berries. Thursday, July 24. Worked in the shop a little. Not well. Friday, July 25. At home. Not well. Saturday, July 26. Sick. Sunday, July 27. Sick. Monday, July 28. Sick. Tuesday, July 29. Went to Salt Lake City. Wednesday, July 30. Traveled for a ------ and came home. Thursday, July 31. At home. Not able to labor. Friday, Aug. l, 1856. At home. Repaired my wagon a little. Not well. Saturday, Aug. 2. Not well. Sunday, Aug. 3. Went to meeting. Monday. Aug 4. Not well. Tuesday, Aug 5. Not well. Wednesday, Aug. 6. Not well. Thursday, Aug. 7. Not well. Friday, Aug. 8. Set wagon tire. Saturday, Aug. 9. Worked a little on my wagon. Harnessed my ponies for the first time. They 28 went well. Sunday, Aug. 10. Went to meeting. Monday, Aug. 11. Worked a little for James Homes on his wagon. Set the tire. Tuesday, Aug. 12. Not well. Done a little in the garden. Sowed a few turnip seeds sent from the city of Washington to me by the patent office, selected in Germany. Wednesday, Aug. 13. Worked a little in the shop. Thursday, Aug. 14. Worked some in the shop. Friday, Aug. 15. Worked in the shop. Made two small boxes. Saturday, Aug. 16. Got a load of wood. Sunday, Aug. 17. Went to Provo. Paid Scot a visit. Monday, Aug. 18. Repaired fence. Tuesday, Aug. 19. Went to Lehi to the hay field and home. Wednesday, Aug. 20. Commenced Hyrum a pair of shoes. Strong did some tinkering of ----- for my family. Thursday, Aug. 21. Finished Hyrum's shoes and mended mine. Friday, Aug. 22. At home all day. Saturday, Aug. 23. Went to S. L. City with my horses and wagon and lost one tire off my wagon. Harriet went with me. Stayed at A. Lyman's overnight. Bishop Houston died at 10 O'clock this evening. Sunday, Aug. 24. Went to E. T. Clark. Went to meeting in the afternoon. Attended a prayer circle at night in Farmington Court House. Monday, Aug. 25. Returned to Brother Lymans and got another tire put on my wagon. Tuesday, Aug. 26. Got a pony shod and returned home. Wednesday, Aug. 27. Worked in the shop. 30 Thursday, Aug. 28. Worked in shop. Friday, Aug. 29. Went to Lehi. Saturday, Aug. 30. Repaired the mill. Sunday, Aug. 31. Went to Lake City to meeting (conference). In the evening, Bishop Hunter and Brother Little came to get Bishop Houston's books and we spent a pleasant evening visit. Monday, Sept. 1, 1856. Made an adobe yard up at the mill. Tuesday, Sept. 2. Laid off a tithing corral and made adobes at the mill, 1100. Wednesday, Sept 3. Made adobes, 600. Thursday, Sept. 4. Made adobes, 600. Friday, Sept. 5. Went to Lake City officer drill. It rained in the night and in the morning. The mountains covered with snow. Saturday, Sept. 6. Went to Provo. Sunday, Sept 7. Went to meeting in the fore noon. The afternoon, returned home. Monday, Sept. 8. Not well. My day to commence sawing. Preston's and Houston's interest in saw mill comes into my possession this day. Tuesday, Sept. 9. Went to Lehi and back. Very unwell. Wednesday, Sept. 10. Not well. This is the day appointed for E. T. Clark to start to England on a mission. Thursday, Sept. 11. At home sick. Friday, Sept. 12. At home sick. Saturday, Sept. 13. A little better. J. M. Phelps came home and the writings made for Preston's and Houston's share of the mill. Sunday, Sept. 14. Went to meeting. Monday, Sept. 32. A little better. Went up to the mill. Tuesday, Spt. 16. At home. Wednesday, Sept. 17. At home. Thursday, Sept. 18. Went to the city. Friday, Sept. 19. Came home. Not well. Saturday, Sept. 20. Went to the mill. Sunday, Sept. 21. Went to meetings. Monday, Sept. 22. Sawed at the mill. Tuesday, Sept. 23. Worked at the mill. Wednesday, Sept. 24. At the mill. Thursday, Sept. 25. Tended mill. Friday. Sept. 26. Sent a beef to the city. Got thirty dollars. Saturday, Sept. 27. Repaired mill. Sunday, Sept. 28. Attended meeting. Monday, Sept. 29. Attended regimental muster. Was elected sergeant of the regiment Tuesday, Sept. 30. At home. Not well. Wednesday, Oct. 1, 1856. Went to Provo. Settled my tax. Thursday, Oct. 2. Returned home. Friday, Oct. 3. Went to Lehi. Saturday, Oct. 4. At home. Not well. Sunday. Oct. 5. Went to Lehi City to conference. Monday, Oct. 6. Attended conference. Tuesday, Oct. 7. Attended conference. Conference adjourned 34 Wednesday, Oct 8. Returned home in the rain. Got cold. Thursday, Oct. 9. Repaired the mill. Friday, Oct. 10. At the mill. Saturday, Oct. 11. At the mill. Sunday, Oct. 12. Went to meeting in the afternoon. Monday, Oct. 13. At the mill. Tuesday, Oct. 14. At the mill. This day, my daughter, Martha Ann, is 8 years old. Wednesday, Oct. 15. At the mill and Martha Ann came to the mill and I baptized her. Thursday, Oct. 16. At the mill. Friday, Oct 17,. At the mill. Saturday, Oct 18. At the mill. Sunday, Oct 19. Went down to meeting and returned. Confirmed my daughter. Monday, Oct. 20. At the mill. Tuesday, Oct 21. At the mill. Wednesday, Oct 22. At the mill. Thursday, Oct. 23. At the mill. Friday, Oct 24. At the mill. Saturday, Oct 25. At the mill. Sunday, Oct 26, Went to meeting. Monday, Oct 27. Made a work bench at the mill. Tuesday, Oct 28. Worked at door frames in the shop. Wednesday, Oct 29. Finished 2 door and window frames. 36 Thursday, Oct 30. Took the frames to the mill. Friday, Oct 31. Saturday, Nov. 1, 1856. Commenced laying up my house at the mill. Sunday, Nov. 2. Went to meeting. Monday, Nov 3. Laid dobies. Tuesday, Nov. 4. Laid dobies. Wednesday, Nov. 5. Laid dobies. Thursday. Nov. 6. Laid dobies. Finished. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 7 and 8. Worked on the mill. Sunday, Nov. 9. Went to meeting. Monday, Nov. 10. Went to Lehigh and got mill irons repaired. Tuesday, Nov. 11. Started the mill. Wednesday, Nov. 12 and on to Saturday, Nov. 22. Was at the mill. Sunday, Nov. 23. At home all day. Sarah unwell. Monday, Nov. 24. At home. Sarah was confined with her 7th child, 6 O'clock P.M., Olive Esphenia. Tuesday, Nov. 25. At home. Wednesday, Nov. 26. At home. Thursday, Nov. 27. At home. Friday, Nov. 28. At home. Saturday, Nov. 29. At home. Sunday, Nov. 30. Early in the morning went to the mill to see Moriah. 18 Monday, Dec. 1, 1856.
(Entries are not legible until Dec. 23.)
Tuesday, Dec 23, 1856. At home. Wednesday, Dec 24. At home and suffered much pain form my foot. Thursday, Dec. 25. At home all day. Foot a little better. In the evening went to meeting. Friday, Dec. 26. Settled with the bishop. In debt to the office on property $52.25, on tithing $31.52. Saturday, Dec. 27. At home. Sunday, Dec. 28. Went to Lehi for a load of hay. Monday, Dec. 29. At home. Tuesday, Dec. 30. At home. Still lame. Wednesday, Dec. 31. At home. In the evening the teachers came and made me a visit and gave me and family very some useful instruction. The year ended very satisfactory and instructive. Thursday, January l, 1857 - (Fast Day) Attended fast meeting. Also, in the evening, sent to the Bishop, 10 lbs. flour as an offering. Friday, Jan. 2. At home. Saturday, Jan. 3. At home. It was warm and rained. The snow settled fast. Sunday, Jan 4. Went to meeting. Monday, Jan. 5. At home. Worked at shoes for Moriah. Tuesday, Jan 6. Went to Lehi for a load of hay. Wednesday, Jan 7. Got a load of hay. Thursday, Jan. 8. Snowed a little. The snow is deep. Friday, Jan 9. Went to mill. Saturday, Jan 10. The coldest morning this winter. Sunday, Jan. 12. Went to meeting in the evening. Bro. Carter and Scovel preached. Monday, Jan 12. I consecrated my property, $2,535.00. Tuesday, Jan. 13. At home. Attended meeting in the evening. Wednesday, Jan. 14. Repaired a grist mill in American Fork. Attended meeting in evening. Thursday, Jan. 15. At home. Friday, Jan. 16. Made Moriah a pair of shoes. Saturday, Jan. 17. Got a load of wood off the mountain. Sunday, Jan. 18. Went to meeting. Had a good meeting. Monday, Jan. 19. Got a load of wood. Tuesday, Jan. 20. At home. Wednesday, Jan. 21. Got a load of wood. Thursday. Jan. 22. Worked in the shop. Friday, Jan. 23. Got a load of hay. Saturday, Jan. 24. Worked in shop. Sunday, Jan. 25. Went to meeting. Bro. Banks, Blackburn, and Alex Williams and three others preached to us. Mc Collough chose his counselors. Monday, Jan. 26. Filed a mill saw and made preparations to go to sawing, it being my day to commence sawing. Tuesday, Jan. 27. It rained. Wednesday, Jan. 28. At home. Thursday, Jan. 29. Went to the sawmill. Friday, Jan. 30. At the mill. Saturday, Jan. 31. At the mill. 42 Sunday, Feb. 1, 1857. Came down from the mill to attend meeting. Had a good meeting. Monday, Feb. 2. -------- with my family and went to the mill in the evening. Tuesday, Feb. 3. Sawed. Wednesday, Feb. 4. Sawed. Thursday, Feb. 5. Fast day. Came down to the fort and attended meeting. Friday, Feb. 6. Moved down from the mill. Very cold. Saturday, Feb. 7. At home. Sunday, Feb. 8. At meeting. Seventies was organized, McKinsie president. Monday, Feb. 9. Got a load of wood. Tuesday, Feb. 10. Went to Lehi and got a load of hay. Wednesday, Feb. 11. Went to the mill for a load of lumber. Thursday, Feb. 12. Took the lumber to Lake City. Alex Stevens came here. Friday, Feb. 13. Took 9 bushels of wheat to mill. Got it ground. Joseph came home with a yoke of steers from E. T. Clark's. Saturday, Feb. 14. Worked in the shop at my desk. Malissa came from Provo. Sunday, Feb. 15. Went to meeting. Monday, Feb. 16. Worked in the shop. Tuesday, Feb. 17. Worked in the shop. Finished my desk. Wednesday, Feb. 18. At home. Thursday, Feb. 19. At home. Friday, Feb. 20. At home. Joseph brought two cows home. Saturday, Feb. 21. Repaired a gristmill a little at American Fork canyon. 44 Sunday, Feb. 22. At meeting. Monday, Feb. 23. At home. Tuesday, Feb. 24. Hauled sand to plaster my house. Wednesday, Feb. 25. Went to plastering Thursday, Feb. 26. Went to Lehi. Friday, Feb. 27. Plastered. Saturday, Feb. 28. Plastered. Sunday, March 1, 1857. Went to meeting. Monday, Mar. 2. Plastered. Tuesday, Mar. 3. Plastered. Wednesday, Mar. 4. Plastered. Thursday, Mar. 5. At home. Friday, Mar. 6. Finished plastering my house. Bishop McColough and 19 others from this Alpine City went to S. L. City to get there endowments. Saturday, Mar. 7. At home in the fore noon. The afternoon went up to the sawmill and sawed a log for Rapleye of Lehi. Hyrum went to Lehi and got 7 B. of seed wheat. Sunday, Mar. 8. Attended meetings. Monday, Mar. 9. Went to Lehi and drove home two cows and some calves. Tuesday, Mar. 10. Rained. Wednesday, Mar. 11. Repaired my plow. Thursday, Mar. 12. Went to G. S. L. City. Took two of my women with me, Martha and Moriah. Friday, Mar. 13. We went into the endowment house and was sealed in the sealing room on the alter according to the order of the house of the Lord. 46 Saturday, Mar. 14. Bought 2 pair of shoes and one pair of boots and returned home. Sunday, Mar. 15. Went to meeting. Heard Father Emer Harris, Patriarch, preach a very interesting discourse. Monday, Mar. 16. Set out some shade trees. Tuesday, Mar. 17. Plowed for stony the tinker. Wednesday, Mar. 18. Went to Lake City and got a load of hay. Thursday, Mar. 19. Hauled another load of hay. The wind blew hard in the afternoon. Friday, Mar. 20. Commenced plowing for wheat. Saturday, Mar. 21. Plowed for wheat. At night it snowed. Sunday, Mar. 22. Went to meeting the forenoon. In the afternoon was baptized and my three women and my son Hyrum and Malissa Stevens and were all confirmed. Monday, Mar. 23. Sowed wheat, 3 acres. Tuesday, Mar. 24. In fore noon hunted cows. Hyrum harrowed in wheat. Wednesday, Mar. 25. Sowed wheat. Thursday, Mar. 26. Made garden. Groves and Littlefield came here. Stayed over night. Friday, Mar. 27. Sowed wheat. Hyrum harrowed. Saturday. Mar. 28. Sowed wheat. Sunday, Mar. 29. Went to meeting. Several were baptized. Joseph baptized. Monday, Mar. 30. Sowed wheat. Tuesday, Mar. 31. Finished sowing wheat on 8 acres. Wednesday, April 1, 1857. At home. High wind. Thursday, Apr. 2. Fast day. Attended meeting. Friday, Apr. 3. Moriah moved to the mill. Wm. Fosset moved into her house and Washington 48 Cliff moved in one of my log houses. Lance Jenson moved into one of Sarah's rooms as of March ’57. Saturday, Apr. 4. At the mill. Sawed a little. Sunday, Apr. 5. At meeting. Monday, Apr. 6. At the mill. Tuesday, Apr. 7. At the mill. Wednesday, Apr. 8. At the mill. Thursday, Apr. 9. At the mill. Friday, Apr. 10. Went to Lehi after a cow and calf. Sold 20 acres of land to Cocks. Saturday, Apr. 11. At the mill. Sunday, Apr. 12. Went down to the fort to attend meeting. Monday, Apr. 13. At the mill. Tuesday, Apr. 14. At the mill. Wednesday, Apr. 15. At the mill. Thursday, Apr. 16. At the mill. Sawed all day. Friday, Apr. 17. At the mill. Saturday, Apr. 18. At the mill fencing. Sunday, Apr. 19. Went down to the fort and attended meeting. Monday, Apr. 20. Set a hip joint for Bro. Cliffs daughter. Tuesday. Apr. 21. Made a wagon tongue for Bro. Harris to go back on the plains for a load of goods. Wednesday, Apr. 22. Made 4 rods of ditch fence. ("Rod" is a measure of length equal to 16.5 feet.) 50 Thursday, Apr. 23. Ditch. Friday, Apr. 24. Ditched. Saturday, Apr.25. Sawed a little for Holmes and went on the mountain. Got down 4 ribs (?) for my house at the mill. Sunday, Apr. 26. Went to meeting. Monday, Apr 27. Went in the canyon. Hauled out two loads of stakes. Tuesday, Apr. 28. Worked in the shop. Repaired a wagon. Wednesday, Apr. 29. Fenced. Thursday, Apr. 30. Worked at fence. Friday, May 1, 1857. A cold morning. Considerable ice. There has been no rain to wet the ground for six weeks. The wind has blown-from the north for six weeks except a few hours. Not more than half of the wheat has come up, so dry. Saturday, May 2. Rested my body by ceasing from labor. Sunday, May 3. Went to meeting and preached. Monday, May 4. At the mill. Tuesday, May 5. At the mill. Wednesday, May 6. At the mill. Thursday, May 7. At the mill. Friday, May 8. At the mill. It snowed most all day. Saturday, May 9. This is a cold morning. The snow on the mill floor was frozen and squeaked under my feet. Icicles about the flume, two feet long. The oak bushes were frozen. Sunday, May 10. Ground frozen. The leaves on the oak look as if the pine had been through them. Joseph returned from G. S. L. City. Had taken a load of lumber to market. $3.50 per hundred in goods. He is fitting up to go with the mail to Independence, Mo. 1,300 miles. I went to meeting in the fore noon. In the afternoon, went up to the mill. Had visitors there. 52 Monday May 11. Cold and Windy. I worked in the blacksmith shop repairing plows, etc. Tuesday, May 12. It is snowing. Wednesday, May 13. At the mill. Thursday, May 14. At the mill. Friday, May 15. Snowed all day but melted fast as it fell. I was at the mill. Saturday, May 16. At the fort and unwell. A pleasant warm day. Sunday, May 17. Very sick with-------. Administered to several times and by several elders. Felt some better and the progress of the disease stopped. The Lord have the praise. Monday, May 18. A good deal better. I had my body profusely sweat with wild sage. It gave some relief. Joseph M. started to S.L. City with a thousand feet of lumber on one wagon. Tuesday, May 19. Still better. Walked out to the neighbors and to the garden. Wednesday, May 20. Better. Thursday, May 21. Went up to the mill and back. Friday, May 22. Went up to the mill. Plowed a little and broke the plow. Saturday, May 23. Got plow mended. Sunday, May 24. At meeting. Monday, May 25. Plowed at the mill. Tuesday, May 26. Plowed at the mill. Wednesday, May 27. Helped Joseph rig up for the States. Thursday. May 28. Planted potatoes up at the mill. Friday, May 29. Planted potatoes, beet seed, etc. at the mill. In the evening came down to the fort to Joseph's party. The band of music from Springville came to visit the place. We had a pleasant time amused with comic songs, dancing and the music. The brass band afforded, was delightful. 54 Saturday, May 30. Assisted Joseph in rigging up for his trip for the states Sunday, May 31. Joseph in tolerable good spirits. Monday, June l, 1857. I worked on the farm irrigating. Tuesday, June 2. Joseph came back, honorably discharged. Had men enough without hum. I worked at fence at the mill. Wednesday, June 3. Started to meet C. C. Rich. Returned back.. Too far off. Thursday, June 4. Started again. Went to Spanish Fork City, 30 miles. Friday, June 5. Traveled 19 miles and met C. C. Rich and my daughter, Mary Ann. All well. Saturday, June 6. Returned back 9 miles. Stayed at Spanish Fork. Sunday, June 7. Returned home. Monday, June 8. At home a fine rain Tuesday, June 9. Went to the mountain. Got 4 ribs for my house. Wednesday, June 10. Went to the mountain for some logs. Thursday, June 11. Got a load of stakes for fence. Friday, June 12. At the mill. Saturday, June 13. Planted beans and potatoes. Saturday, June 13. Planted beans and potatoes. Sunday, June 14. At meeting. Monday, June 15. At home. Not well. Tuesday, June 16. At home. Wednesday, June 17. At home. Thursday, June 18. At home. Friday, June 19. Got OK on shed. 56 Saturday, June 20. Worked at fence at mill. Sunday, June 21. Went to meeting. Monday, June 22. At the mill. Tuesday, June 23. At the mill. Wednesday, June 24. At the mill. Thursday, June 25. At the mill. Friday, June 26. At the mill. Saturday, June 27. At the mill. Sunday, June 28. At meeting. Monday, June 29. At the mill. Tuesday, June 30. At the mill. Wednesday, July l, 1957. At the mill Thursday, July 2. At the mill. Friday, July 3, 1857. At the fort. This is August 17, 1857. Nothing of importance had occurred to the present except some soldiers coming in from the States and the stopping of the mail. Joseph Morris started this day with many others to meet the soldiers and to help in the imigration, but was sent back. Enough already have gone. August 29, 1857. The last two weeks, three children have died with bloody plucks. Several other now sick. Rhoda Cooper lives in Petaluma, Sonoma County, California Monday, May 2, 1858. Davis Hamnett commenced work for me. We worked at the mill, built a corral and repaired the garden fence. Tuesday, May 3. Hamnett repaired the water sect. I plowed potato ground. 28 Thursday, May 5. Planted potatoes in lower garden. Friday, May 6. I tended saw mill. Hyrum plowed. David cut wood. Saturday, May 7. I sawed. Hyrum plowed, Davis planted sugar cane. Sunday, May 8. Went to meeting. Was called on to preach and spoke on the different spirits and their effects. Monday, May 9. Moved Sarah up to the mill and white washed Sarah's room. Tuesday, May 10. Moved Moriah up to the mill. Davis worked for himself, planted his garden. Wednesday; May 11. Repaired the mill race. Thursday, May 12. Repaired the water sects in my own field. Hauled some sage brush for the same, and got the flour of 8 bushels of wheat from the mill. Friday, May 13. Planted some potatoes. Wednesday, May 4, 1859. It snowed the most of the day full 16 inches of snow fell. April 15, 1859. Moved to the mill. [1] Morris' original handwritten copy is at the Church Archives, MS 7405, "Diary 1856 Jan - 1859 May. That copy contians some extra material not shown here, mostly financial records. [2] BRP note: I received this transcript from Richard Phelps on 4-22-2004. He said that he had submitted the original notebook to the Church Historians office. This is a "daily" log from Jan 1, 1856 to May 4, 1859, although entries become less frequent after the first year, and there are very few entries after Aug 27, 1857.